Restorative & Gentle Yoga


These classes are perfect for beginners to yoga, those with some physical challenges, and all of us who just want the bliss of relaxation!

Restorative Yoga is a form of yoga that seeks to achieve physical, mental and emotional relaxation with the aid of props. The use of props makes it easier for you to maintain balance while you are stimulating and relaxing your body. While some restorative yoga poses are beneficial to the entire body, others target specific parts of the body, such as the heart or the lungs.

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This is Gentle and Restorative Yoga; the gentle portion is slower paced, with postures that allow all participants to stretch and recognize what their body needs, in accordance with each unique individual body.

The Restorative Portion uses postures that provide comfort and support to allow for a passive release of muscles and optimal relaxation. Restorative yoga provides healing for the body and the mind. It is especially useful when you need to eliminate fatigue and stress that result from your daily activities. It can also help you recover from illness and injury or overcome emotional depression and anxiety that are caused by traumatic events such as divorce, loss of job and death of a beloved.

It is known that restorative yoga can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which enables automatic control of the body. As such, the regular nervous system will be at rest, and the muscles will become more relaxed. Constant practice of restorative yoga will make your body less vulnerable to stress-related illnesses and help you achieve optimal health.

If available, please bring yoga mat, cushion & blanket for Shavasana.  
Students are invited to bring water in a sealed container.

Cindy DeJong has been a student and teacher of metaphysics for over ten years, specializing in reiki, shamanic healing, angel communication, and psychic development. She has studied yoga with DevaTree, specializing in restorative yoga, as well as meditation and the subtle energy body. DevaTree has had the pleasure of having Cindy assist several professional level yoga programs. She brings an expansive, thoughtful, and playful approach to her yoga teachings, making everyone feel welcome, supported, and at home in their bodies. ~Tamika Schilbe, Co-Founder, DevaTree School of Yoga 

Cindy teaches directly from her heart. Her authentic approach and gentle spirit, supports students to be who they are, and feel safe in her presence. Cindy embodies acceptance, joy, love and compassion. ~ Carolyn Jyoti Burke, MSW, RSW, E-RYT 1000, Co-Founder DevaTree School of Yoga 200-hr, 300/500-hr & 1000-hr Yoga Certifications

Mondays 4:00 - 5:30 PM
Wednesdays 9:30 - 11:00 AM or 7:00 -8:30 PM
View our class schedule for class descriptions and session dates.
Drop-in is Available.

8 Weeks for $80.00
4 Weeks for $50.00 
Drop-in available $15.00 *Please call ahead to ensure available space.


Cindy DeJong
Yoga Instructor 

Cindy has completed her 200hr Yoga Teacher Training, Restorative Teacher Training, and Subtle Energy Body Intensive through the DevaTree School of Yoga in London. Cindy is also a Master Teacher of Reiki, a student of shamanic modalities, and an Angel Therapy Practitioner.

To register or for further information, please use the contact form below or email